Sunday, May 25, 2008

Giorno appointment a fantastic break for Liberals

Stephen Harper's Achilles heel is his bad judgement. His lack of understanding of the world's political realities is dangerous. His embrace of the Dalai Lama has resulted in frosty relations with China - worse than they've ever been. His passion and support for George Bush is embarrassing. The only leader he forged any personal rapport with is Australia's former prime minister, who was thrown out of office by Australian voters shortly after Harpoon swooned over him in Ottawa.

His judgement at home is no better; his disdain for Dalton McGuinty and Danny Williams should reap many votes for the Liberals whenever the next election is held.

But the most astonishing display of poor judgement - and the biggest break the Liberals have had since the sponsorship debacle - is the appointment of Guy Giorno, chief of staff to former premier Mike Harris, as Harpoon's new chief of staff. Jerk Giorno is the jackass who took a fine health care system and put it on life supports. When Giorno had finished his ignorant dabbling in education the province's schools were in crisis, from which they are only now recovering after superb leadersip from McGuinty and his education minister, Kathleen Wynne.

Giorno is a one-trick pony who lives and dies for tax cuts. He doesn't clutter his tiny mind with a basic understanding of economics or in trying to understand how the nation works. He has watched (without learning anything, obviously) the Reagan and Bush years that have led the US to a national debt that will smother them for generations to come but his mantra remains a simplistic "cut taxes, cut taxes." Bush's inept economic leadership has that country headed for the mother of all recessions because of the combination of tax cuts and spending billions on the Iraqi war. The US faces a national deficit of monumental proportions and her economic picture is getting worse by the day.

Everyone else long ago got the message, but unfortunately Giorno is a slow learner, so slow he verges on retardation just like federal finance fool Jim Flaherty. Anyone of any intellect long ago rejected Reagonomics but Giorno continues happily in his ignorance. Even as Ontario was recovering from the Harris years, Giorno occasionally popped up on the pages of the National Post, chanting his mantra while gripped in an obsessive compulsive disorder which leads him directly to massive brain cramps. His ignorance is so huge it's scary; with his chubby cheeks and recessive gums, he looks exactly the nightmare he was in Ontario.

For the Liberals, Girono and Harpoon in the same office are a gift. Victory in Ontario for the Libs has leaped to the fore; depending on how long the rest of the country is exposed to Giorno, Liberal fortunes will continue to improve. There hasn't been a brighter hope for Liberals since Harpoon took office.

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