Saturday, March 1, 2008

The difference between Harpoon and Martin?

Martin was on the far periphery of the sponsorship scandal. Harpoon is up to his eyebrows in the attempted bribery of the late Chuck Cadman and may be at least an accessory after the fact.

What a sleeze ball picture of the desperate Alliance in action, so slavering at the mouth in their lust for power that they try to bribe a dying man with $1 million in insurance if he'll switch his vote.

In the meantime, while the sanctimonious hypocrites were suborning Cadman, they were thundering away at the Liberals for the sponsorship scandal, acting like holy helens who would never betray the trust of Canadians.

The Gomery probe tried but never came close to putting criminal activity anywhere in the prime minister's office. But we've got two prime ministers, one a Tory and one an Alliance and both men have disgraced the office and brought the sleeze right inside the highest elected office in the land. Mulroney with his unexplained $300,000 gift from Heinz Schreiber and Harpoon understanding exactly what was going on in the Cadman case and making no effort whatsoever to stop it. Their moral centre doesn't exist and neither man seems capable of understanding how profoundly they have betrayed their oath of office and the Canadian people.

And what repulsive people slither out from under the rocks of the Alliance party. Chuck Cadman had only a couple of months of life left. Anyone facing certain death within weeks would be keenly aware of the need to get his affairs in order and to ensure his wife and family would be taken care of. And as Cadman was moving through that sober time, he is visited by the messengers of darkness, holding out what must have looked, even if only for a few fleeting seconds, very tempting to a dying man. Just switch your vote and the million bucks is yours and you can die peacefully knowing your family will be ok. To his ever-lasting credit, Cadman turned them down flat and voted for the Liberals and against an election. A man of morals and principles - no wonder he left the Alliance and refused to come back.

And Harpoon's reason for thinking this is ok? Well, it would be like, you know, just a way of reimbursing Cadman for lost money if the election were to be called. Right.

The stench from this sordid affair will stick to Harpoon and the Alliance for decades. And it should. Stephane Dion, with all his faults and shortcomings, is infinitely more appealing as a prime minister than the smug, sanctimonious, creep that is Harpoon. Pull the plug Stephane and put the country out of its misery.

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