Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Roadkill - well named

There's a female in Saskatchewan called Kate McMillan who writes a blog called Small Dead Animals - the Roadkill Diaries. The column deserves an award for the most appropriate name of any blog anywhere in the world.

This person takes pride in calling herself a Conservative blogger. Given the odious, juvenile crap she writes, if I was a Conservative I'd sue to stop her using the name. I'm not a Conservative but I know some I respect and like but the crap spewing forth from this person would make any decent person reject any association of any type, no matter how remote or obscure.

Her stuff is as intelligent as you would expect from small dead animals and it has all the appeal of road kill.

I don't read her but I was reading Warren Kinsella's blog tonight (Feb 11, 2008 - The Holocaust as Joke Material) and see she has once again tried to ride his coat tails by playing a pathetic, tasteless joke on him. Warren has had many responses from readers and he's printed many of them, with many from offended Tories.

She rides a motorcycle. Dangerous vehicle. One hopes. Nothing too serious - two broken arms would be just the ticket to keep her off the internet.

Now if Warren would just ignore her I could return to reading his blog with enjoyment and return to being blissfully unaware of this Saskatchewan rat. The stench lingers but this too will pass.


Warren K said...

I will. I have.

You're right.

Anonymous said...

I think what is good about Kate is that she shakes up the status quo. If her joke had been aimed at a Jewish person, it would have been offensive indeed. But context is everything, and in this case I think that the tatoo prank was well-deserved payback for Warren's barney doll stunt which I feel made fun of the religious beliefs of many fundamentalist Christians. Did you read her column today in the National Post. On the one hand it is a bit outrageous (primarily because of the irreverant humor) -- but on the other hand it is something worth thinking about. I think we need people like Kate to remind us that we should not take ourselves so seriously.